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Title: http://www.cambridgecentre.ro/
URL: http://www.cambridgecentre.ro/
Description: "ASOCIATIA REPERE" este o organizatie non-profit, non-guvernamentala, romaneasca cu sediul central in Bucuresti. Scopul nostru este de a promova Integrarea Europeana in randul cetatenilor romani prin domeniile: tineret, formare profesionala, egalitate de sanse, cetatenie si implicare civica, servicii sociale, perfectionare in domeniul limbilor straine, protectia mediului, antreprenoriat pentru femei. Asociatia a fost infiintata la 12 martie 2002.
List of free directories - a free directory list

Latest News:

January 5, 2015 : AtheneLinks Free Web Directory domain registration was extended.

January 6, 2014 : A new human editor was assigned to the website. All submitted sites will be checked for quality.

December 12, 2013 : Added a link removal option for webmasters that want to have the link removed from the directory.

Directory Stats:

63,398 live links on January 5, 2015. Deleted a lot of expired websites or websites with quality issues.

65,315 live links on January 6, 2014

19,255 pending links. Average review time is still around 3 months.