Athene directory category Addictions is accepting quality links and internet resources about Addictions. Featured LinksAddiction Treatment in Chiang Mai - The Edge is an addiction treatment programme in Thailand that not only helps young men recover from addiction, but instills in them a new perspective on life and enthusiasm for their future. Our active treatment method engages participants in wilderness therapy and high-intensity fitness training, which enhance the benefits of our highly effective treatment programme. - [Read More] |
Macujo Method - The Macujo method includes the use of a variety of products in an effort to detox your hair and scalp of toxins such as THC and many users turn to the macujo method to beat a hair test for weed. It also features the use of detox shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test. Most of those using this method in a detoxification effort do so for marijuana. This method can be hard on your hair and scalp and risks causing some degree of (likely only temporary) damage. It is important that you are aware of any risks involved when utilizing a drug detox method of any kind. If you have sensitive skin then you should not use this method as it could be harmful or/and painful. The use of elements such as vinegar could lead to pain and redness on your scalp either way. The macujo method can work by damaging hair and in turn helping to remove toxins from your hair and scalp. - [Read More] |
Local Drug Rehab Centers - The Recover offers reporting on trending news topics about addiction and mental health. A team of experienced journalists write non-bias news about major health news issues. Psychedelics in the medical field have been grabbing ahold of scientist and experts around the world due to the benefits and possible treatments of the future. A new survey that studies anti-depressants qualities of short-acting hallucinogenic has reported increasingly positive improvements in the well-being of people diagnosed with depression and anxiety.
The new study led by a team from Johns Hopkins University claimed that the quick effects seen in the drug 5-MeO-DMT make it far more useful in clinical situations rather than longer acting hallucinogenic like LSD and mushrooms.
DMT, is a drug that is known for its spiritual and quick effects, that come on rapidly, usually within a minute of being inhaled or injected. Users report that it only last anywhere from 5-25 minutes. Because of this, it has adopted the name “businessman’s trip” – a hallucinogen one could effectively take during a quick break at lunch. - [Read More] |
Alcohol treatment - Alcohol addiction is one of the most profound forms of substance abuse. The 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 15.1 million people over the age of 18 have an alcohol use disorder. Of them, 6.7 percent receive treatment each year. And yet, 88,000 men and women die from alcohol-related causes annually.
At FHE Health, we have over 15 years of experience in treating alcoholism. Individuals who have an alcohol addiction need to seek treatment as beating it on your own is very difficult even for the most dedicated of those hoping to quit. The statistics of what can occur are alarming. For example, 10 percent of children in the United States have a parent who has an alcohol abuse disorder. And three-quarters of those who misuse alcohol are binge drinking, a very high-risk type of abuse that can lead to sudden death.
Understanding that you or your loved one needs alcohol addiction treatment is the first step in moving forward. At FHE Health, we work closely with you to ensure you have every opportunity possible to achieve these goals.
How Common is Alcohol Use?
When Is It Alcoholism?
Many people mistakenly believe they aren’t suffering alcoholism because they have a stereotyped image of an alcoholic. While some people do live their day-to-day lives drunk and stumbling around, the vast majority of men and women with alcoholism live high-functioning lives. They go to work. They maintain their roles as parents. They drive and may not get pulled over for driving under the influence. A few drinks after work may be all it takes, though.
Alcoholism occurs when a person has developed a dependency on alcohol. That means the individual has a physical and/or a psychological compulsion to drink alcohol. In most situations, the amount of alcohol is excessive, but that may not always be the case. Individuals who continue to drink alcohol even though they recognize the negative consequences it can cause are facing addiction. - [Read More] |
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program in Costa Mesa, CA - Asana Recovery is a unique and innovative detox and residential addiction recovery center located near the coast in Orange County, California. Our management and clinical program staff include some of the most experienced and accomplished addiction treatment professionals in the industry, dedicated to providing effective and compassionate care at a higher standard. Asana Recovery’s treatment program, the “Asana Way,” is licensed, certified, and CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accredited. Our program focuses on providing personalized and comprehensive treatment plans for both men and women in recovery, and it embodies our forward-thinking approach to the treatment of addiction, pairing traditional and alternative methods, and serving all clients with compassion, while providing appropriate structure and practicing essential values in work and in play. Whether you or your loved one is contemplating addiction treatment for the first time or the tenth time, the dedicated and caring staff at Asana Recovery can help you find real, lasting recovery and hope for the future. Don’t wait another day—call us now, and start your new journey in recovery today. - [Read More] |
Hangover Remedy - The best drink to end your night with and your prescription for a better next day....You need to let loose, relax, and party sometimes; it's scientific fact. Without relaxation and recreation, we lose our edge--and have way less fun. BUT. NOBODY wants that hangover. Sure, you can tough it out, but it really ruins your day. Who wants to lose part of their weekend to an aching head and an angry stomach? Or worse, who wants to go into work and try to function when you've got no energy and you feel wrecked all over. You're too smart for that. You just need the right preparation. That's why we offer the MOST comprehensive hangover kit out there--the one you NEED. While it won't stop you from getting drunk, it will help you feel better the next day! Check out the science below and go buy yours now. We'll make it simple: The Sunday Mornings Hangover Helper AKA Sunday Mornings Hero Kit is the kit that gives you REAL options. You can take it in the morning to get fast-acting response for getting back into the game--or you can be doubly prepared with the hydrating drink at night, and the powerful pill in the morning! - [Read More] |
full body detox and hair detox - Have you ever realized of how drug tests can take away employment opportunities from you. As now a days there is provision that all those candidates who want to apply for the jobs, need to get through the drug tests. If the candidate is found clean then only he can get job at the applied designation. Keeping this in mind there are several ways being introduced that help in detoxifying the body. We will here discuss the best ways to pass a drug test. - [Read More] |
How To Pass A Drug Test In A Day - Using the macujo aloe rid shampoo will help you pass your hair drug test. A hair substances test analyzes the presence of drugs/ metabolites in a person’s body. Such type of testing has grown popular. It is the most reliable and accurate method of screening. It is due to the fact that the hair follicle drug test detection times window is the longest. Due to this, the majority of employers and court system workers like this kind of drug testing. Checking follicles is also a less invasive procedure than saliva test or urine test. Also, this type of testing does not demand supervisors. However, it doesn’t make a hair follicle drug test easy to pass. - [Read More] |
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