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Hair Transplant Toronto

Title: Hair Transplant Toronto
URL: https://www.hairtransplantinstitute.ca/
Description: The small holes at the donor site with FUE should close up within a few days after the procedure has been completed, at which point in time regular daily activity can resume. New growth is typically seen within 3-4 months with full results seen by 1 year. The main difference between today’s gold standard in hair transplant methods, FUE, and the old favorite, strip transplants, is that FUE does not remove strips of scalp tissue, nor does it result in a linear scar. FUE is not only used for your scalp but also for facial hair transplantation as well. Hair that does not grow correctly for eyebrows, beards, sideburns, or scars can easily be fixed with the FUE hair transplant. Our experts can easily replace or camouflage any type of hair loss issue you may have. Healing time may vary, but with FUE, recovery is much faster compared to previous strip transplant methods. The incisions made during surgery are nearly invisible, and patients may begin regular activity within a couple of days post-procedure. The latest and most advanced FUE devices work on a microscopic level, an innovative new approach that has transformed the hair transplant industry. These leading technologies extract follicles faster than ever before, lowering procedure time to an astonishing 5-6 hours. The tiny incisions made to extract follicles leave behind almost nonexistent scars compared to the FUT procedure. As a result, our patients may return to their normal lives quickly and without the need to tell anyone the procedure was done. FUE leaves an almost instant visible improvement and full results for our clients develop within a year post procedure.
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